Pain Management

Cannabis is derived from the cannabis plant (cannabis sativa). It grows wild in many of the tropical and temperate areas of the world. It can be grown in almost any climate, and is increasingly cultivated by means of indoor hydroponic technology.

The use of cannabis as a treatment for pain treatment in western medicine dates to the 1700s. While there are over 100 different cannabinoids that can occur in cannabis, the two most well known and studied compounds in the cannabis plant happen to also be the two that occur in the largest volume: delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol, commonly referred to as THC, and cannabidiol, known as CBD. Like all other cannabinoids, these two must be heated to convert the cannabinoid acid to the active cannabinoid. THC is the primary psychoactive component of cannabis which gives the effect of what recreational users call the “high.” CBD is considered to be non-psychoactive and when used in conjunction with THC helps dampen the psychoactivity and other side effects some people consider undesirable. Both cannabinoids have an impressive list of ways they support the human body.

CBD oil one of the non-psychoactive components of cannabis has shown lots of improvement in the treatment of arthritis, medicinal qualities of CBD oil, it’s also known as cannabidiol plays a role in immune system modulation, which naturally makes it helpful for an autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis.

Researchers think that CBD and THC interacts with receptors in your brain and immune system, CB1 receptors, which are found mostly in the central nervous system (CNS), but also the lungs, liver and kidneys; and CB2 receptors, which are found in the peripheral nervous system (PNS), and in expressed the immune system and hematopoietic cells (stem cells that give rise to other types of blood cells). THC has an affinity for the endocannabinoid receptors; CBD has a low affinity for the body’s cannabinoid receptors, but influences the endocannabinoid receptors in a more “indirect” way and also has effects on other receptors in the body.

Cannabis has been used for a very long time in terms as a herbal remedy for a variety of conditions such as depression, anxiety, chronic pain, stress relief, and it’s also available now medical uses, meaning that doctors in certain countries can choose to treat their patients with this herb! And the ability of cannabis to treat certain medical conditions has been put into doubt now more than ever! This is why we decided to dedicate an article to treating chronic pain by using medical cannabis, and you can decide for yourself if this is worth trying. Find out everything that you need to know about the usage of medical cannabis for chronic pain and then you can consult your doctor if you are a perfect candidate for this type of treatment or not!

This is a list of chronic Chronic Pain cases that cannabis can be used for:

  • Immobility, followed by wasting of muscle and  joints
  • Health issues from immune system issues that can cause increased vulnerability to disease
  • Insomnia and sleep disturbances
  • Depressed appetite and poor diet
  • Dependence on medications.
  • Job performance issues
  • Isolation from friends and family
  • Fear and anxiety
  • Depression which can become severe leading to a higher risk of suicide